Monday 18 January 2010

Nuclear Renaissance Forces: Bandlerd


Apologies for the lack of updates over the last week but heres the latest article on the factions in Nuclear Renaissance, this time the prosperous township of Bandlerd!

Bandlerd is a rich town. It can be found near the verdant spill, and its main industry is the brewing of the local plants into fuel. People travel form far around, because Bandlerd is never short of this resource, and supply is cheap. Unsurprisingly though, it is a very well defended town.

Because of its wealth it attracts those who would make a fast Nugget or many. This can be the more honest route of working in the brewsheds, defending the town in the local security forces or often providing ancillary products to the thriving population. However, there are those who seek to make their money through less honorable ways, and so gangs of hustlers, gamblers and thieves prowl Bandlerds streets.

On several occasions large bands have lain siege to try to take over the whole town at once! However, the Keeper of the Keys of Bandlerd is charged with defense and equipped to do the job properly. The current Keeper of the Keys is Jonash Longstock, a keen witted tactician and great negotiator. His vision and forethought is turning Bandlerd into a mighty citadel.

Bandlerd sounds like a good opposing settlement for Junktowns FPCC and with an abundant supply of petrochemicals I can imagine them fielding quite a few vehicles. The opportunity for scenario based games revolving round ambushing tankers, sabotaging pump stations and drillheads ad other assorted villainy could make for a decent campaign in itself!

In other news, my Wolf Clan has been enlarged so there are over a dozen members now, mostly with hand weapons of some sort. Im on the lookout for some rifle toting types to act as support but have yet to spot anything suitable. I will be beginning painting on them at some point this week but will need to find my camera to get some pictures of them!

Till then all the best!

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