Friday, 1 January 2010



This is a bit of a new wargaming project for me. My plan is to collect and play a campaign over the course of the year set in the Nuclear Renaissance setting produced by Ramshackle Games.

Ive actually had the rules for a while now but I saw that the chaps over at Ramshackle have plans to release a box set containing all sorts of goodies I thought it would be the perfect time to start playing some post apocalyptic skirmishing!

Last year I had a couple of fairly large wargaming projects that ran into difficulties due to my serious lack of time to paint and game due to being at university but I figure that a 28mm scale skirmish game featuring at most a dozen or so figures and a couple of vehicles a side would be a more suitable (and feasible!) target as I wont have to spend months painting everything up before getting a couple of games in!

Eventually I hope to post reviews, paint logs and battle reports on the blog but until the box set is released I will have to make do with a review of version one of the Nuclear Renaissance rules, the campaign pack and even the Dunger Derby rules from the Ramshackle Games website!

All the best!

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