Friday, 29 January 2010

Nuclear Renaissance First Impressions!


Just a quick update as Ive got to leave for London in about five minutes!

I picked up my copy of Nuclear Renaissance from the post office this morning and its looking stunning! The miniatures and vehicles are all nice and almost bubble free (theres a bit of flash that will need cleaning)

The box and rulebook are both very high quality and have loads of nice pics of the contents and some of Ramshackles other miniatures too!

Hopefully I will get chance to write a more complete review tomorrow but I will be taking the rulebook with me to peruse as I travel and will jot down a few notes as I do!

Best be leaving now as I dont want to miss my train!

All the best!


  1. Ah I'm so jealous. Glad to hear that the usual great standard of Ramshackle is continuing. I can't wait to get my order through.

    Looking forward to some pictures when you get time.

  2. The photos of the vehicles and scenery in the book are especially good!

    I was quite surprised by the sheer size of Gilgamesh Giggles. He is absolutely huge and may well be the first miniature I attempt to paint from the box!

    All the best!
